High-brightness screens: Optimize your digital signage

September 16, 2024

Introduction to high-brightness screens

Screens are a central element in digital signage, with a variety of types available on the market. You are probably familiar with classic TV screens that we all have at home. While it's possible to use these screens to manage your digital signage via our CMS Disign, they are not always the most suitable for this specific use.

Screen manufacturers don't just produce models for the general public; they also develop screens specifically designed for digital signage. These screens differ significantly from consumer models, particularly in terms of their durability, continuous operation capacity, and of course, their brightness.

Why choose a high-brightness screen?

Visibility: A key factor

The visibility of your digital signage is crucial. Even if you have the best location and the best message, if your audience cannot see the screen clearly, all your efforts will be in vain. This is where high-brightness screens come into play. These screens are essential for semi-outdoor environments (like shop windows) or outdoor settings. They are also valuable for certain very bright indoor installations.

High-brightness screens offer excellent visibility even in high ambient light conditions. With high light intensity, they ensure that your content remains visible in all circumstances.

Resistance to extreme conditions

In addition to their increased brightness, these screens are designed to withstand high temperatures and avoid damage from prolonged sun exposure. Unlike classic TV screens, which can suffer damage and show black spots when exposed to the sun, high-brightness screens are built to endure these conditions. [image]

Specifications of high-brightness screens

Screen specifications are often measured in lumens or candelas. For high-brightness screens, here are the recommended levels according to the environment:

  • Indoor screens: 300-700 cd/m²
  • Screens in indoor locations like shopping malls: 500-1000 cd/m²
  • Semi-outdoor and outdoor screens: 2500-5000+ cd/m²

A few years ago, outdoor screens had a brightness of about 1500 cd/m². Today, screens offering brightness above 2500 cd/m² are more common, and their prices have significantly dropped, making these technologies more accessible.

Major manufacturers of high-brightness screens

Currently, major manufacturers offering solutions above 2500 cd/m² include:

  • Samsung with its OM range (4000 cd/m²). Popular models include the OM46, OM55, and OM75.
  • LG with its XS range (4000 cd/m²). Recommended models are the 49XS4J, 55XS4J, and 75XS4G.
  • Dynascan offers screens with brightness of 3000-4000+ cd/m² and specializes in this area.

Samsung and LG have entered the high-brightness market more recently, while Dynascan is a pioneer in this segment.

Technology and innovations

Currently, LCD remains the dominant technology for high-brightness screens. Although newer technologies such as OLED, MiniLED, or QLED offer impressive contrasts, they do not yet provide high-brightness solutions suitable for outdoor digital signage. The resolution and fine details of these technologies are less critical for outdoor applications where the screen is viewed from a distance.

Light sensor: A key feature

Many signage screens integrate a light sensor that automatically adjusts the light intensity based on the environment and time of day. This feature helps optimize visibility while reducing energy consumption and avoiding nighttime glare.

Important considerations

High-brightness screens generally have a higher power consumption than indoor models. Installation should be done carefully, respecting warranty conditions and ensuring adequate ventilation to prevent overheating. For example, it is crucial not to obstruct the rear fans or position the screen too close to a wall.


High-brightness screens are now more accessible than ever thanks to reduced costs and technological advancements. Although their installation and management present certain challenges, the benefits in terms of visibility and durability make them a wise choice for digital signage in bright environments.