Geolocation of players: optimize your digital signage with Disign

September 19, 2023

Digital signage becomes even more powerful with Disign, thanks to the new geolocation of players feature. This innovation allows you to optimize the management and visualization of your screens efficiently and intuitively.

Add GPS coordinates of your players

In the latest update of Disign, we have integrated a simple and practical system to add GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) of your players directly in the CMS. To obtain these coordinates, simply use Google Maps to locate your address and get the necessary GPS information.

A marker on the map displays in real-time to verify that the coordinates are correct. This allows you to ensure that each player is correctly positioned on the map.

geolocalization player digital signage with Disign CMS

A redesigned dashboard for better visibility

We have completely redesigned the Disign dashboard to enhance the visibility of your players. The new version presents an interactive map showing all your players with a real-time summary of their status (connected or disconnected). This overview allows you to manage players located around the world with remarkable ease.

Optimize timezone management

Another key feature of this update is timezone management. Thanks to geolocation, you can check if the timezone of each player matches its actual location. This is particularly useful for global campaigns, where schedule synchronization is crucial.

Leverage geographic data in your campaigns

The GPS coordinates of your players are not only for visualization. They can also be dynamically used in your campaigns and scenes. With Disign's interactive editor, in the "Data Mapping" section, you can modify the attributes of any component or display this data directly in a text component.

For example, you can integrate data like:

{{ $this.player.geo.latitude }} {{ $this.player.geo.longitude }}

This feature is ideal if you want to display a Google Maps or OpenStreetMap map to locate your store and highlight the benefits of the surrounding environment.

With Disign, managing and using geographic data is simplified, allowing you to create even more relevant and targeted campaigns.

Feel free to let me know if you have any other requests or adjustments!